School Policies
We encourage students to maintain healthy eating habits and try to provide snack/break offerings throughout the day. Students are strongly encouraged to pack their own lunch.
Dress Code
Dress Code
Edison Academics does not have a required uniform. This is a work environment and while we want all to be comfortable, it is necessary to dress in a manner that is presentable and professional.
All students must have a current emergency medical notification form on file. This also contains information regarding unusual health situation, allergies, and maintenance medications. Students using prescription medicine should have this administered at home when possible.
Cell Phones
Cell Phones
Students who bring cell phones to school must keep them turned off and in their backpacks.
CELL PHONES ARE NOT TO BE SEEN DURING THE COURSE OF THE SCHOOL DAY UNLESS THEY ARE BEING USED WITH THE TEACHER. If parents need to reach a student, they may do so by calling the school.
Field Trips
Field Trips
We make use of the community resources available to us. Often specialists are brought to Edison to demonstrate their skills; however, we also take our student into the community. Permission slips with specific details about transportation and activities for each outing are sent to parents before each trip.
Students are allowed no more than 10 absent days per semester.
If your child is absent due to illness, please call the school office no later than 8:00 a.m.
Absences due to college visits, travel or other family activities should be cleared prior to departure.
Please try to arrange for appointment times that do not interfere with school. If this is not possible, students must present written notification from a parent or guardian prior to leaving the school.
All students who leave during the school day must be signed out at the office.
We welcome all visitors to Edison and encourage students to bring a friend to shadow when appropriate. If a student wishes to bring a friend to shadow on a day that is not specified for visitors, we will need advance notice of the visit. All visitors are expected to observe behavior and dress code guidelines while in the center.
Edison maintains an open door policy with parents. You are welcome to come volunteer in your child’s classroom or to participate in our parent group activities.